Great Lakes Safety Training Center (GLSTC) is proud to announce that it has been selected again as a recipient of the highly coveted Susan G. Harwood Grant from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)! This esteemed grant will enable Great Lakes Safety Training Center to offer free 4-hour Fall Protection Authorized User training to employers and workers in 2025. Only 102 non-profit organizations nationwide received funding from the OSHA Susan Harwood Training Grant Program this year. The complete list of grantees is available here:
Our 2025 onsite class dates:
February 27
March 12
March 27
April 29
May 22
June 24
GLSTC, at the time of initial publication of this document (10.06.24), is funded by a grant of $73,159 federal funds, which constitutes 100% of the program budget.